Sunday, March 24, 2013

March Meeting 2013

We had a great time at the March meeting.  The highlights were as follows:

Before the meeting, members finished tying this year's opportunity quilt.

Museum quilt show from March 27-31 and April 4-7. We are need of a few people to work 3 hours selling tickets at the museum for our opportunity quilt.  Admittance is a 5.00 donation but what a neat way to get publicity for our October Show.  Please Contact Candy Mittag to see how you can help.  It is just 3 hours, ladies and gentlemen:)

We want to create a procedure book for the guild that includes descriptions of all the officer positions and procedures and forms used for the annual quilt show. If you have held any position in the club, please send a paragraph describing your duties etc. to Debbie Branch with a cc to Susan Porter and Elaine Swatniki.

The pattern chosen for the 2014 Opportunity quilt was Autumn Splendor by Verna Mosquera of The Vintage Spool, which has both appliqué and piecing. Martha @ C9P has donated the fabric for the top but we need a person to run the project. Elaine is writing the author to get permission for the group to use the pattern for the Opportunity quilt.  Thank-you to the 28 members who voted!

If you would like to head the committee to make the quilt or would like to help in putting it together, please contact Elaine Swatniki.  We have a group of seven so far and would like 18-then everyone could do 1 and a few 2 squares and we could be done with the quilt before August so it wouldn't interfere with Christmas present production.

We still need a few positions filled for the 2013 quilt show-Show Committee head in particular. Someone is thinking about it-oh, I hope, I hope, I hope she says yes:)

Three people brought back their fabric postcards and exchanged them. They received an extra door prize ticket for participating.

Jean Scofield announced that the charity, Tom’s Club, run by the High School has a major event on March 28th, 2013. They are having a track run from 9 am – 12:30 pm and are looking for items that can be used for a silent auction. People can drop items off at the Crazy 9 Patch or contact Jean for pick up by March 26th. Tom’s Club will help promote our quilt show by passing out bookmarks. The money they raise will be used for field trips. Jean also asked that the group make lap quilts for the kids to use in the classroom to keep warm. 

BCQ's is having a UFO contest based on the one that El Camino Quilters is doing this year. Participants pay $10 and turn in a descriptive list of 5 UFO’s to be completed within 1 year’s time.  The list and entry fee is due at the April meeting (If you weren't at the March meeting, you can pick up the forms at the April meeting and turn them in in May.  The UFO’s are due June 2013, September 2013, December 2013, February 2014 and April 2014. The entry fee will be used for prizes. Each entrant will receive a flower pin and a button for each project done. One entry per button will be in the drawings. What a great way to get those pesky UFO's done!  Thanks for the idea, Candy!

FAT QUARTERS UNITE!!! Everyone who wants to participate is to bring a fat quarter to the next meeting. The fabric will be put in a pot and a lucky winner gets to take home all the fat quarters at the end of the meeting. Susie Johnson will be demonstrating a pattern for a fat quarter quilt.  I won the fat quarter giveaway at the Christmas meeting-it was wonderful to spread them out and touch them-OK, that sounds a little weird-but be honest, you do it too-don't you?

On June 19th, there will be NO meeting at the Crazy 9 Patch due to the Southern California Quilt Run. We will announce an alternate meeting place.

Ida Engevik did a great demonstration  on how to make a Minke scarf. I think Ramona will be filled with them come October. 

Minke Scarf Demonstration (thank-you Candy for taking the notes)

1. You need 2 1/4 – 2 1/3 yards of 60” wide Minke or Cuddle Soft, and 3 yards of ¼”to 3/8” elastic.
Ida cuts her fabric at 12” wide so she can get 5 scarves (cutting lengthwise not selvage to selvage), the internet pattern called for 15-17” if you want wider scarves but will only get 4 scarves.

2.  Cut the 4-5 scarves with scissors. It will shed a lot when you are cutting, but will do no further raveling after it’s been cut.

3. Use a marking pen to draw 2 lines, each 3 ½” in from the long sides. This will be the sewing line.

4. Cut 2 pieces 39 -40” of ¼” elastic.

5. Stretch the elastic as much as you can as you sew it to one of the drawn lines. You can use a straight or small zigzag stitch. Sew the second piece of elastic to the remaining side.

6. Fold with long right sides together and sew the seam leaving a small opening. (Include the short ends in this seam to finish them off.)

7. Pull the right side out through the opening. You can sew or not sew the opening closed since the material doesn’t ravel.

8. Ida said that she has seen scarves that have a small slit or buttonhole cut into the scarf so the other side can be drawn through it to hold it in place on your neck

The pictures don't show how cute these are-My DIL will get one for Christmas! Thanks for sharing, Ida!

Lots of sharing as members brought items for the museum show.  Contact Candy Mittag or Janet Haas if you have something you want to have shown at the show or if you would like to help man the show.

Carrie Harrison brought 3 beauties.  This is a heart log cabin

A wall hanging made for a friend to celebrate a special trip

Dot Koerner was sick but sent a quilt for the show

Samples by Janet Haas of work done in Cecelia hart's embroidery class (1st&3rd Thursdays at the Senior center)

A terrible picture (sorry) of a really cute quilt by Janet Haas

An optical allusion by Janet Haas
I love this one by Janet-love the appliqued little girl in the right corner.  Made for her granddaughter.
Elaine shared blocks from Susan Axelrod's Dear Jane Class at the Crazy 9 Patch every 3rd Saturday (these are 4.5 in unfinished)
This was Carol Livezie's first meeting-a beautiful around the world quilt

Karen Motta shared a steering wheel cover

Karen also brought a bear quilt

and a triple Irish Chain started in Janet Haas' quilt class 3 yrs ago
Ida brought 2 lovely table runners to share
Pat Wurtele says she can only do large quilts:) This is "Jordan's Quilt"

Sharing was followed by dessert and door prizes. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.

Martha donated pin cushion kits-Ida won the first of 3
 Another reason to come to the monthly meetings:
Recipe for Lemon Bar Trifle: Makes 10

Crush 1 bag/box vanilla wafers and sprinkle in bottom of individual cups
chop 1 cup pecans and divide between cups on top of crumbs

Lemon Layer
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup flour
1 3/4 cups cold water
3 egg yolks, beaten
2/3 cup lemon (or lime which I used) juice
2 tblsps butter
4 tspsps grated lemon or lime peel

Cream Cheese Topping
1 package cream cheese
2 cups powdered sugar (I think 1 would do)
1 carton (8 oz) thawed whipped topping

In small heavy saucepan, combine sugar, cornstarch and flour.  Stir in water slowly until smooth. Cook and stir over med. high heat until thick and bubbly, cook and stir 2 min longer.

Remove from heat. Stir small amount into egg yolks then stir yolks into mixture stirring constantly. after mix comes to boil cook 2 min. Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice, butter and peel.

Transfer to bowl, cover surface with plastic wrap until cool.  Add 1 cup sour cream.

In large mixing bowl, beat cream cheese and powdered sugar together.  Fold in whipped topping.  Refrigerate lemon mix and topping.  Just before serving divide lemon mix between cups.  Top with cream cheese mix.  Grate citrus rind on top.  Serve.

Next Meeting:  April 17th at 6:30 at the C9P    
List of 5 quilt projects and 10.00 if you want to join the UFO Challenge.  
A fat quarter if you want to be in the fat quarter drawing
A Smile:)

May the road rise up to meet you and the wind always be at your back!
Happy quilting!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Please tell Janet Hess, that I LOVE her "Chicken Soup" quilt which is from my pattern. I would love to see a clear photo of it to share....thanks for showing it here on your lovely blog. Thank you
