Thursday, May 2, 2013

Board Meeting Minutes for May 1

 Back Country Quilters Board Meeting
May 1, 2013

The co-president, Debbie Branch, called the meeting to order at 6:45pm at the home of Elaine Swatniki

Present:  Elaine Swatniki, Debbie Branch, Candy Mittag, Susan Porter, Janet Haas, Dot Korner, Sherry McClendon, Karen Motta

BCQ was offered the opportunity to sell quilt tickets during the Ramona Blue Grass Festival, May 4-5, being held at the Ramona Rodeo Grounds.  Saturday hours for selling will start at 1:30pm.  Sunday will begin about 10am.  If anyone can help sell tickets contact  Janet Hass.

A discussion was held regarding the 2013 quilt show and committee heads responsibilities:

Show Chair:  Debbie Branch
Consignment Shop:  Ruth Rudeen
Registration:  Sherry McClendon
Tickets:  Susan Porter
Publicity: Publications – Dot Korner; Flyers to shops – Janet Haas and Candy Mittag
Snack Bar – Karen Motta
Set Up/Take Down Quilts:  Janet Haas
Decorations:  Debbie Branch
Dealers:  Debbie Heaton
Door Prizes:  Jean Scofield
White Glove Ladies: Dot Korner
Buck & Alice Room:  Eanne Hampe
Collect/Pre-Hang/Pick-Up of Quilts:  Candy Mittag
MC:  Brenda Caster (back up – Candy Mittag)
Program:  Elaine Swatniki
Signs:  Les Hart
Music:  Barbara Soper

Quilt Show registration forms will be available August 1, 2013.
Quilts are to be turned in at the Crazy 9 Patch from September 30 to October 4, 2013.
Opportunity Quilt raffle ticket packets will be available at the BCQ meeting, May 15.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.

Respectfully Submitted by Susan Porter, BCQ Secretary

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